Thursday, January 26, 2017

Oscar Nominations and Contest

Early Tuesday morning the Oscar nominations were announced. This annual event of pure spectacle celebrating everything I love was passed down to me by my Grandma Roth. She would collect clippings and pictures and news stories of the event into scrapbooks for years. These books were a wonder for me as a child as I perused all the glitz, glamor and a world that seemed so magical (it's also where I discovered Grace Kelly). But sadly, these books are gone as she succumbed to Alzheimer's in her later years and gave these scrapbooks away to neighbors.

Because of this fact, even though I have held competitions in the past; I am initiating the first annual Rita Roth Oscar Competition. This is to award the one who predicts the most winners from all available nominations. The prize will be awarded to the winner and will be film related. So everyone, sign onto and make sure that you have me friended on Facebook so we can track each other's progress. We will use their rules to determine the winner. So break out your predictions and let us celebrate cinema, competitions and my late grandmother, Rita Daly Roth!

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