Monday, May 15, 2006

Upfront Mother

Mother’s day came and went and I tried as hard as I could to make it worry free fro my wife. It was tough as our littlest is pretty sick right now. The best part was watching old home movies of when she became a mom with our first. It’s always nice to remember, and made me so thankful all over again for everything that she does. On the professional front, all the execs around here are in New York for the Upfronts* It makes it a little quieter for everyone else, but since my boss is the executive director, and we are in charge of the executive affairs, we have to handle all the little things that come up like “so-and-so doesn’t have a room”, “I forgot my scissors”, “Where are we eating?” and we have to take care of it all here in LA. So far the Upfronts have been uneventful, but that’s because only the struggling NBC has announced their line-up** I am excited for Heroes though.

*Upfronts – when the individual networks announce what shows they will be picking up for the coming TV season and they are usually accompanied by last minute deals, lots of brown nosing and huge Dog-and-pony shows.

**Line-up – A networks TV schedule for the upcoming fall; what days and times different shows will be on.

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