Tuesday, April 11, 2006

a common serf

I have decided to write, and to do so more frequently. My new job affords loads of possibilities for quirky stories as I am not dealing with the mundane tasks that I had before. I am now with the Television company under the studio and my job has become more…shall we say, secretarial. It’s because my boss is pretty old-school studio minded. She has me make coffee and get people on the phone for her. You heard me right; I make someone else’s coffee. I don’t even drink the stuff, it smells like burnt dirt. Oh well, I’m hoping this leads somewhere. It was a raise in pay and despite the eccentricities of the dept. I like what I do. If this doesn’t pan out, I am planning on being on Steven Spielberg’s new reality show that is attempting to find the “next big Hollywood director” Booyah!


John and Cara said...

Man Chad! If Steven Speilberg does a reality show like that you better be on it. You'd rock!

booboo said...

Sweet. I am all for the reality show!! You would rock the world and definitely be the winner. I would root for you anyway. If you do that, I am definitely signing up for Survivor. Just let me know!! I love you. Keep plugging away. Your break is out there somewhere.